Alexandre Lopez Borrull

Professor Agregat Information and Communication Sciences Department

Open science and disinformation, my two lines of research, represent two huge challenges for society and the academic world

Expert in::

  • Social networks
  • Open data
  • open science
  • information and documentation
Research group
Social sciences
Area of specialization
Network society, Internet technologies and artificial intelligence,
Membership Center
UNESCO codes:
570106, 591001


  • 4 - Quality education
  • 10 - Reduced inequalities

Alexandre López Borrull is an associate professor in the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). He has a PhD in Chemistry from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and a bachelor's degree in Information Science from the UOC. He is also the director of the UOC's Bachelor's Degree in Information Science. His research interests focus on disinformation, open science and scientific journals. He is a member of the Learning, Media and Entertainment (GAME) research group at the UOC.