Carolina Hintzmann Colominas

  • orcid

Professor Agregat Economics and Business Studies Department

Expert in::

  • Productivity
  • ELearning
Research group
Social sciences
Area of specialization
Education and ICT, Collaborative economy,
Membership Center

Holder of a doctoral degree in Economics and a degree in Economics and Business Studies, both from the University of Barcelona. Since 2001, she has been a Fundamentals of Economics professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's (UOC) Faculty of Economics and Business. Since September 2015, she has been director of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics at the UOC's Faculty of Economics and Business and the faculty's international mobility coordinator.

Her research activity centres mainly on the areas of economic growth and productivity, in addition to e-learning. In the specific case of the latter area, she is a member of the Finance, Macroeconomics and Management (FM2) research group.

Her main research interests revolve around the study of production efficiency in industry and economic growth, applying a macro approach, the influence of investments in intangible assets on productivity in the different industry and services sectors, and gender and productivity. She also carries out research on the collaborative economy.