Agustí Cerrillo Martínez

  • orcid


Expert in::

  • electronic administration
  • open data
  • law and ICT
Research group
Social sciences
Area of specialization
Network society, Law, Politics and the Internet,
Membership Center
UNESCO codes:
560501, 5909


  • 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • 10 - Reduced inequalities
  • 4 - Quality education
  • 5 - Gender equality

Agustí Cerrillo Martínez is a full professor of Administrative Law at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

His research work centres on studying the law governing digital administration, public transparency, governance and public integrity.

He has researched and published articles and monographs on digital administration, public transparency and the dissemination and reuse of public information via the internet, the use of artificial intelligence in public administrations, public governance, and public integrity and the prevention of corruption.

He is also joint principal investigator for the "Legal challenges in the use of big data to further innovation and good administration through artificial intelligence" project, a Spanish R&I programme focusing on the challenges facing society (DER2017-85595-R).

Currently he is academic director for lifelong learning in the UOC's Administration and Public Governance department and co-director of the Master's Degree in Public Management (UOC-EAPC).

He has also served as the dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science and the síndic de greuges (ombuds officer) at the UOC.