Gisela Grañena Gimeno

  • orcid

Professor Agregat Arts and Humanities Department

Expert in::

  • ELearning
  • second language acquisition
  • cognitive control
Research group
Arts and Humanities
Area of specialization
Education and ICT, Languages and cultures,
Membership Center
Collaborates with
e-Learn Center


  • 4 - Quality education

R&I researcher Gisela Grañena's work focuses on the following aspects: individual differences in second language learning (cognitive skills, information processing styles and starting age), implicit and explicit second language learning, educational interventions (eg corrective feedback), and task-based learning.

The general aim of her research is to understand how a second language is learned in formal and informal learning contexts and to identify the most relevant factors involved. More specifically, in formal contexts she researches how to optimize language learning through educational interventions that include those variables that have proven to be most effective. 

Grañena's research ranges from individualized learning based on cognitive profiles, to the factors that need to be considered when designing and providing corrective feedback and task design.

She is the Principal Investigator (PI) of UOC’s TechSLA Lab research group.