Laura Ferinu Sanz

  • orcid

Professor/a Expert/a Professional Psychology and Educational Sciences Department

Expert in::

  • Language disorders
  • language development
  • childhood language
  • language processing
  • psycholinguistics
  • Phonetics, Phonology and Pragmatics
  • eye-tracking
Research group
Social sciences
Area of specialization
Education and ICT,
Membership Center
eHealth Center
UNESCO codes:
570108, 610205, 610202, 610404
Collaborates with
e-Health Center


  • 4 - Quality education
  • 3 - Health and well-being
  • 10 - Reduced inequalities

Laura Ferinu Sanz's current work deals with the audiovisual integration of speech in children with developmental language disorder (DLD).

The goal of this line of research is to observe whether, in recognition tasks where words are presented in different audiovisual forms, they display different gaze and performance patterns compared with children without language difficulties, using the eye-tracking technique. She is also interested in learning how phonological and lexical difficulties may affect the audiovisual integration of speech and whether there are any differences in processing words in the predominant language or the type of component affected in the language.

She is currently studying for a PhD on the UOC's Health and Psychology programme with the UOC-UB Cognition and Language Research Group (GRECIL).