Marina Bosque Prous

  • orcid

Professor Agregat Health Sciences Department

Expert in::

  • Public health
  • health promotion
  • lifestyles
  • research methods
Research group
Health sciences
Membership Center
UNESCO codes:
3202, 3212


  • 3 - Health and well-being
  • 10 - Reduced inequalities

Marina Bosque Prous' R&I activity focuses on epidemiology and public health, and more specifically on the study of health-related behaviours and social inequalities at different stages of life and among vulnerable population groups. 

Her main research lines at present explore adolescent health behaviours, focusing particularly on drug and alcohol use and nutrition, and the influence of one's environment and public policies on such health-related behaviours. She is coordinator of the inter-institutional research group Epi4Health (UOC, UVic-UCC) and the Spanish Society of Epidemiology's Working Group on Alcohol. She is part of the Scientific Committee of the DESKcohort project ( and also collaborates in the project "Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on substance use and behavioural addictions in a cohort of secondary-school students", funded by the National Plan on Drugs (2021|086).